Sales Operation
Sales Operation refers to various activities which help in the timely achievement of sales targets for the successful functioning of an organization.
Sales Operation includes various strategies and techniques employed by an individual to achieve sales goals within the stipulated time frame.
Why Sales Operation?
- Sales Operation activities help the sales professionals to meet the sales targets in a systematic and the best possible way.
- Sales Operation activities help to devise relevant strategies and plans (both long term as well as short term) to achieve the sales goals.
- In simpler words sales operation activities help in generating revenues for the organization through meticulous planning, better budgeting and adopting a methodical approach.
Let us go through the various steps in sales operation:
- Sales representatives should prepare their own database. Make sure you have a long list of potential customers. Mere sitting at office doesnt help in sales. Go out in the field, meet people and gather as much information as you can. Put canopies at strategic locations. Networking helps in sales.
- The next step is to segregate the data according to age, sex, income and so on. Classify the data under various sub heads like working/non working, middle class/upper class, employed/unemployed etc. Such classifications help you to understand the customers better and identify your target audience.
- Sales strategies ought to be different for every segment. The needs and interests of a female would be different as compared to a male. Similar products would not excite a youngster and an individual who is 50 years old. Create relevant strategies for different segments as per their needs, interests and demands. The promotional plans must excite the customers and attract them towards the organization.
- Speak to the customers and seek for appointment. Fix up a time as per their convenience. One should never call a customer more than twice in a single day. It irritates him and he tends to avoid you in future. Give him time to think and decide. Avoid being pushy. One can also send a soft reminder through email to the customer.
- Once you get an appointment, make sure you reach the venue on time. Dont expect the customer to wait for you. Remember the customer can ask you anything related to the product. Make sure you know everything about the product and its offerings.
- Understand the needs and expectations of the customers. Try to make him understand how your product would benefit him? Make him realize how your product is better than the competitors. Dont oversell.
- Attend sales deal with an open mind. Dont be too rigid on price and other terms and conditions. Give the best deal to the customers for them to come back again to your organization.
- Sign a written agreement with the buyer. The agreement should have the description of the product, model no, date of purchase, warranty details and other necessary terms and conditions. Some organizations also give bills to the customers. Bills are required when the customer comes for an exchange.
- Make sure products are delivered in good and working condition to the customers. It is the duty of the sales representatives to assist the customers in installing, using or maintaining the products.
- Make sure you are in touch with the clients even after the deal for higher customer satisfaction, higher customer retention and eventually higher revenues.
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