After Sales Service/Customer Service

Customers are the assets of every business. Sales professionals must try their level best to satisfy customers for them to come back again to their organization.

What is After Sales Service?

After sales service refers to various processes which make sure customers are satisfied with the products and services of the organization.

The needs and demands of the customers must be fulfilled for them to spread a positive word of mouth. In the current scenario, positive word of mouth plays an important role in promoting brands and products.

After sales service makes sure products and services meet or surpass the expectations of the customers.

After sales service includes various activities to find out whether the customer is happy with the products or not? After sales service is a crucial aspect of sales management and must not be ignored.

Why After Sales Service?

After sales service plays an important role in customer satisfaction and customer retention. It generates loyal customers.

Customers start believing in the brand and get associated with the organization for a longer duration. They speak good about the organization and its products.

A satisfied and happy customer brings more individuals and eventually more revenues for the organization.

After sales service plays a pivotal role in strengthening the bond between the organization and customers.

After Sales Service Techniques

  • Sales Professionals need to stay in touch with the customers even after the deal. Never ignore their calls.

  • Call them once in a while to exchange pleasantries.

  • Give them the necessary support. Help them install, maintain or operate a particular product. Sales professionals selling laptops must ensure windows are configured in the system and customers are able to use net without any difficulty. Similarly organizations selling mobile sim cards must ensure the number is activated immediately once the customer submits his necessary documents.

  • Any product found broken or in a damaged condition must be exchanged immediately by the sales professional. Don’t harass the customers. Listen to their grievances and make them feel comfortable.

  • Create a section in your organization’s website where the customers can register their complaints. Every organization should have a toll free number where the customers can call and discuss their queries. The customer service officers should take a prompt action on the customer’s queries. The problems must be resolved immediately.

  • Take feedback of the products and services from the customers. Feedback helps the organization to know the customers better and incorporate the necessary changes for better customer satisfaction.

  • Ask the customers to sign Annual Maintenance Contract (AMC) with your organization. AMC is an agreement signed between the organization and the customer where the organization promises to provide after sales services to the second party for a certain duration at nominal costs.

  • The exchange policies must be transparent and in favour of the customer. The customer who comes for an exchange should be given the same treatment as was given to him when he came for the first time. Speak to him properly and suggest him the best alternative.

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