Role of Managers in Employee Relationship

A healthy employee relationship is essential for the employees to find their work interesting and perform their level best. It is important for everyone to understand that one goes to his organization to work and conflicts must be avoided as it is nothing but a mere waste of time. Employees must be comfortable with each other and work in unison towards a common goal. An individual cannot remain tightlipped and work for infinite hours, he needs people around to talk to and discuss his ideas.

One must have friends at the workplace whom he can trust well and share his secrets without the fear of them getting leaked. This way the employees feel motivated and enjoy going to office daily. They do not take frequent leaves and strive hard to live up to the expectations of the management. For an organization to perform well, it is important that the employees are friendly with each other and avoid criticism, backstabbing at work, a strong reason to spoil the relationship among the employees.

The team leader or the manager plays an important role in promoting healthy relation at workplace:

It is essential that the supervisor assigns challenging tasks to his team member as per his specialization and interest. The individual should have interest in the work; otherwise he would treat it as a burden and unnecessarily crib about things.

It is important that the team leaders understands their team members well. Try to find out their interests and what all they expect from the organization. While developing their KRAs it is always better if the team leader calls everyone and invites suggestions from them. Let them decide what best they can perform. This way the employees would never blame each other or their superior later as they themselves have decided on the roles and responsibilities. Encourage them to willingly accept the challenge. They would strive hard for a better output without fighting and finding faults in each other.

A team leader should be a role model to his/her team members. He/She should treat each and every individual as one and avoid partialities at work. Do not give anyone a special treatment just because he drops your son to school every day or says a yes to whatever you say.

Appreciate if someone has done exceptionally well but do make sure to correct him if he is wrong somewhere. The team leader should not be rude or harsh to anyone. There is a correct way for everything and one should not insult any team member. It is strictly unethical. Sit with him and make him realize his mistakes. He would definitely look up to you in future.

The superior must not act pricy and should always be accessible to his employees. The individuals must have the liberty to walk up to their immediate bosses in case of a doubt and clear things. The hierarchy should not be too complicated as it leads to confusions and disputes among employees.

The manager must ensure that all important communication takes place on an open forum for everyone to get a common picture. Problems arise when communication is done on a one to one basis. Call everyone together so that all the members are clear as to what is expected out of them and what their colleagues are up to.

Communication should be transparent for an effective employee relation. Any employee should not feel neglected or left out. If the team leader wants to pass on any information to his team members, he must send a mail keeping all the related members in the loop.

As a team leader it is one’s prime responsibility to encourage healthy competition at work. Competition is mandatory for an individual’s growth but it should not turn friends to foes. Motivate them constantly to perform better than the other but make sure there are no useless gossips in your team. If you find any of your team members criticizing or making fun of anyone, stop him immediately. Do not provoke any individual to fight, instead intervene and try to resolve the conflict as soon as possible.

Make sure all your team members take their lunch together and you are also a part of it. Don’t discuss work that time. Let them enjoy. Encourage everyone to talk to each other and participate in discussions.

Do take the initiative to ask about their families or personal lives as well. They would feel attached to you. If you find any two of your team members not getting along well with each other, make sure both of them work together on the same assignment. They would not be left with any choice than to talk to each other and discuss things. Make them sit together on adjacent workstations so that the comfort level increases.

The team leader should be neutral to his team members and make sure they enjoy a healthy relationship with him as well as their fellow team members for a better output. A team leader should try his level best to bring his team members closer and bind them together.

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