The Need for Change Management

In the contemporary business environment, organizations fight the battle of competition by building their adaptive capabilities and preparedness for coping against the pressures of change.

In the present scenario, top management give a lot of importance to change management process and the need for being flexible as well as adaptable for tackling the growing environmental uncertainties or competitive threats.

Change management is a complex process and requires serious attention as well as involvement from the management and people from all levels, in order to achieve a meaningful or a progressive transformation across various levels.

For being ahead in the competitive race and gaining a winning edge, organizations have been focusing on expansion of business worldwide, achieving excellence in processes and operations, implementing innovations in technology and identifying/developing the right talent.

The fast changes which have taken place and the way in which this has affected the strategies, people, policies and processes in an organization, it has become all the more imperative that organizations clearly establish a well-defined change management framework for realizing the strategic objectives.

Change is inevitable and it can only be managed, failing which the organizations may cease to exist.

In the era of globalization, organizations function across the cultural boundaries with large investments in human capital as well as physical resources, give utmost importance to technological change and innovative practices for a leadership advantage.

Business alliances like mergers, acquisitions, diversifications, takeovers and various other collaborative ventures have become the most preferred strategic best practices for the organizations to survive the fierce forces of competition, through transfer of people, technology, processes and leadership.

For successfully handling this transition and converting the threats of change into opportunities, organizations must be flexible and open for Change Management.

By improving the readiness for change, organizations can strengthen their adaptability mechanisms and build their internal competencies for facing future uncertainties or many such multiple change auguring situations.

An organization’s readiness for change management influences organizational strategies and policy related decisions, as it involves a comprehensive, well planned approach and implementation of systemic interventions which would have an overall influence on the system, processes, people as well as the organizational structure as a whole.

Innovations in technology and research advancements, have created opportunities for working virtually across any part of the globe; changes in the organizational structure and hierarchy; changes in the human resource policies and regulations, has resulted in organizational reengineering and change in the style of working of employees.

For meeting the growing demands of ever changing business operations, more dynamic and flexible organizations have endorsed new methods of working like flexi work hours, work from home, freelancing opportunities, virtual method of working, business operation outsourcing and project driven operations, etc. which provide ample opportunities to the workmen to work as per their convenience and flexibility.

Organizations change for responding to the fluctuations or volatility in the business environment.

Any change in order to have successful outcomes must involve comprehensive planning, focused approach and involvement of the key stakeholders in the entire process.

For any organization, people play a very vital role in driving business excellence as they are the most valuable assets. Hence, a change in the method of handling a job role, implementation of facilitating interventions and training people about the new practices or techniques, can result in impressive results in terms of the return on investment (ROI).

How organizations manage change or respond to the business transitions largely depend upon the adaptability of people or readiness of the people in understanding the changes in the process and method of handling a job.

Change management process may directly affect the human resource strategies of an organization depending upon the goals or strategies of an organization.

A well-defined change management process can help in mitigating risks related with the people side. If this aspect is ignored, it might result in increase in the overall costs, decline in productivity as well as employee motivation and increase in the absenteeism level and employee attrition.

Hence, it improves the overall preparedness of the management and the decision making authorities in understanding the need for managing change, the key processes involved in it and in understanding the operational technicalities connected with it.

Planned change if effectively implemented can be beneficial in terms of controlling costs, minimizing risks, reducing the stress and anxiety by controlling uncertainties. It helps in setting up new milestones, establishing objectives, defining priorities and identifying the limitations for driving excellence in new initiatives.

Effective Change management process help organizations in understanding the changing customer needs, meeting their demands and expectations much better since the requirements are well defined.

If implemented with proper planning, change management does not affect the day to day functioning of an organization, rather it functions concurrently. Instead it creates a scope for establishing best practices, defining the operational framework and regulations for the people, processes and system.

It engages people in the entire process and motivates them to work towards realization of a common goal or objective and deliver excellence in performance through collaborative efforts and involvement in the process as a whole.

Research in this direction proves the fact that organizations which have an established change management process are more likely to excel in meeting the business goals or achieve excellence in their project outcomes.

Effective change management is the key to realization of operational effectiveness, plays a key role in creating an optimism in the organizational environment as it has holistic outcomes and enables achievement of outcomes by defining superior benchmarks and working towards it for realization of the set benchmarks.

Organizational change affect the leadership thinking style and may optimize the benefits by establishing the systems and processes in place, establishing an integrated framework for achieving the developmental goals with the complete involvement of people in the end to end stages of change management cycle.

Hence, to conclude it may be appropriate to mention that change management is a planned and an integrated approach involving the support of the key stakeholders in terms of the willingness as well as the preparedness to move from the existing state of affairs to a reformed state by accepting the transition and wholeheartedly participating in the entire process.

The success of change management process largely depends upon effective planning, establishing of objectives, communication of objectives to the people involved in it and establishing of the required framework to deliver the expected goals or outcomes.

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Change Management