Articles on Entrepreneurship

This article introduces the readers to what entrepreneurship is and who an entrepreneur is. This article is an introductory piece on the skills and attributes needed for entrepreneurs to succeed. Further, this article also defines what creative destruction means and why entrepreneurs succeed or fail. Apart from these details, this article makes the point that entrepreneurs take the risk and hence, they are to blame for the failure as well as reap the rewards when their ventures succeed.

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This article discusses the principles of successful entrepreneurship by drawing from the insights of recent research done by management experts. While the principles mentioned here indicate how successful entrepreneurs operate, it is important to remember that for entrepreneurs to succeed, it is about finding balance between inner aspirations and external expectations.

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This article discusses the various forms of financing for new ventures. It is indeed the case that any new venture would need capital and more often than not, entrepreneurs need significant capital for launching their ventures.

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This article discusses the set of conditions that would enable and empower entrepreneurs to thrive and prosper. The key theme in this article is that just as all of us need our talents to be encouraged and nurtured and mentored, entrepreneurs need an environment that would enable and empower them to take their ideas to the next level and sustain the movement leading to a deep and meaningful creation of value.

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Most ventures fail within the first year or two of their launch. This article explores the top five reasons why entrepreneurs and their new ventures fail based on research done on this topic. The key theme of this article is that the entrepreneurs must not lose sight of the details and the nuts and bolts and at the same time, must not lose sight of the bigger picture as well.

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This article explains lists down the factors which play an important role in the development of entrepreneurship. Most of these factors are within the control of the government and can be enhanced by effective policy making.

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This article discusses the role of entrepreneurs in shaping the economies of nations. The key theme in this article is that entrepreneurs are the lifeblood of nations and through their desire to make a profit; they keep the economies from collapsing. In addition, this article discusses why some countries seem to do better economically than others.

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When should entrepreneurs transition to the next generation of leaders? Why should they transition in the first place? Are entrepreneurs forced to transition or are there examples of voluntary transitions? These are some of the questions that are addressed in this article which is peppered with real world examples from firms worldwide. The focus of this article is on analysing when, how, and why should entrepreneurs transition and exit the firms they founded.

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This article discusses how Venture Capitalists sometimes get carried away by irrational exuberance. The key theme in this article is that VCs ought to invest based on rational and logical models of investing and not give in to irrational exuberance.

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This article discusses the risks and the rewards of working for startups. The key theme in this article is that one must do their due diligence in addition to determining if their personality matches that of the startup culture.

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This article analyses the Public Private Partnerships driven by the state and the entrepreneurs by discussing the Indian experience with such projects. The key themes in this article are that PPP projects are the way forward for all developing countries and India, in particular. Some of the problems with the PPP projects are identified and some solutions suggested.

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This article examines the economic theory governing the PPP projects with reference to the Indian experience. Though this country has been chosen as the case study, the concepts introduced and discussed in this article can be applied to any PPP project in any developing country. The key themes in this article are that the evaluation, financing, allocation, and execution of PPP projects must be done based on sound economic principles and not on the basis of political considerations.

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This article examines the spectacular rise and fall of startups in emerging economies with the changing business and economic conditions. The key theme in this article is that startups in these economies need to have robust business models based on realistic revenue and growth projections and not rely on crony capitalism and other forms of securing funding.

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This article examines the challenges as well as opportunities for entrepreneurs in Asia. The key theme in this article is that while there are challenges there are opportunities as well and hence, the art of finding balance amidst the chaos would drive the success or otherwise of the new ventures.

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This article explains what “hot money” is and how it leads to creation of bubbles wherein financiers invest in new ventures because of abundant capital. Further, this article examines how such bubbles when they burst lead to a situation where entrepreneurs with sound economic business models would succeed whereas others with artificial valuations would get hit.

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This article makes a case for entrepreneurs to be opportunists who can sense and intuit opportunities and adapt and adopt their strategies accordingly. The key themes in this article are that entrepreneurs by being opportunistic are able to better control their future so that any sudden dislocations in the external market landscape do not cause them and their ventures to fail and instead, make them stronger and better because they were in control over their future.

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The recent sensational news about new age entrepreneurs taking the world by storm with their freshly minted eCommerce and Technology startups attracting Billion Dollar valuations needs some analysis based on sound business fundamentals. This article assesses the business strategies of these ventures some of them being called Unicorns because they can do no wrong. The key themes in this article are that businesses exist to make profits and investors fund to get returns and hence, one has to balance the eye popping valuations with the question as to whether their business models can survive over the longer term.

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This article explains why the rule of law is absolute necessary for businesses to prosper and operate in various countries. The article uses examples of how businesses operate in countries such as China and India and how this differs from the West in terms of the whole system of law enforcement and upholding of laws is a key operational consideration for businesses. The key theme in this article is that no business would like to operate in a state or a country where there is lawlessness and the rule of law is absent.

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This article makes the case for small entrepreneurs to be given importance in the same manner in which the Tech Startups and the Unicorns are catching the fancy of everyone. At the same time, this article does not make the case for a return to welfare subsidies wherein small businesses are allowed to live off the state. Instead, the key theme in this article is about focusing on both the macro and the micro enablers so that both Unicorns and Small Entrepreneurs contribute to the economic development.

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This article discusses some pitfalls that Entrepreneurs must avoid at different stages of their start-up lifecycles. Starting with the timing of the initial funding decision to the question of what next in cases of success and at the same time, when to exit the venture in case of failure, we present some examples and discussion points on what entrepreneurs ought to look out for.

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This article analyses the Opportunity Canvas Analysis framework for Entrepreneurs developed by Dr. James Green of Maryland University. This model or framework provides a template for Entrepreneurs to see, think, and act in a manner that successful entrepreneurs do. The key themes in this article are that by applying this model, one can translate ideas into reality and apply theory to practice and succeed in the marketplace.

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This article exposes the pyramid scheme structure. It explains why there is no business opportunity and why this structure is simply a way to swindle money from one group of people to another.

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This article introduces the various schemes and websites that offer people the chance to make money online. The main thrust of this article is on how to ensure that you do not invest first and regret later and rather, how you can earn first, invest later, and earn returns. While this article is mainly about how to start with such schemes, it also talks about skills that you need and how you can spot frauds and protect yourself.

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While the internet is full of opportunities to make money online, some mindset changes are needed if one has to switch to the online income mode. This article examines some of the changes that are necessary to one’s mindset and makes a case for changing from a physical world to a virtual world where everything is done online instead of in person.

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With entrepreneurship being the rage and the in-thing, one must ask whether the future of entrepreneurship would be like. This article examines some trends that might shape the future in addition to using the past as a guide as well as an understanding of the present to discuss the key theme that entrepreneurs must peer into the future as well as look backward without losing their feet on the ground.

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This article explains the common mistakes that startups make when they spend their money. The common non-essential expenses have been listed to warn the startups about the dangers of wasting money.

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This article explains the six steps that should be considered while making an effective business case. It explains how following these six steps is likely to increase the probability of success.

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The organizations of the future need value addition from their employees that can differentiate them from others. So, what does one mean by value? This article examines this question and cites research to state that most professionals, though aware of the challenges of the future, are not yet ready for them. Therefore, we caution against complacency and use real world examples to illustrate how one can add value to organizations.

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With extreme uncertainty and an unknown future, what can businesses and professionals do to prepare for radical change. This article discusses some strategies that can be actualized to deal with such gut wrenching change. Using metaphors from Bollywood and Spirituality as well as management theories, we present some steps that businesses and professionals alike as well as students can put in place to deal with what is essentially an unknown future.

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Using economic theories and real world examples, we debate and discuss whether Entrepreneurs are justified in taking the Lion’s Share of the Profits. In addition, we argue that they create growth which leads to Income Inequality since they take risks and hence, take the profits. We also present arguments for and against the Rising Tide Lifts all Boats analogy and at the same time, we call for more just redistribution of wealth and a fair income gap.

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