Mobile Phone Etiquettes (Mobiquette)

Etiquette refers to good manners which help an individual find his place in the society. It is essential for an individual to behave in a certain way for others to respect and appreciate him.

Etiquette refers to a set of rules individuals need to follow to be accepted in the society. One must understand the difference between college and professional life. Never adopt a casual attitude at work. It is important to be serious and a little responsible at the workplace.

Remember you are not the only person in organization; there are other people as well. You need to respect each other’s privacy and can’t afford to disturb others.

Cell phone is a boon in today’s world but can be a disturbing element if not used in the appropriate way. It tends to distract the person using it as well as others who are around.

Mobiquette (Mobile Etiquette)

Mobiquette refers to certain guidelines that individuals need to adhere to while using the hand phone at the workplace.

Things are quite different at home or a friend’s place, but one needs to be careful at the workplace.

  • Always keep your cell phone in the silent or vibration mode at the work place. Loud ring tone disturbs employees who are around.

  • Remember office phone is only for official purposes. Don’t circulate your official number amongst all your friends and relatives. Keep a separate phone for personal use. Making personal calls from official phone is simply not expected out of a sensible professional.

  • Don’t activate film songs or jokes as caller tunes for mobiles meant for official use. It leaves a bad impression on clients or external parties who might call you.

  • Never shout on the phone. Always be soft and polite. Avoid using abusive or foul language.

  • Be careful with your phone. Never leave it at other’s workstations. It would waste yours as well as your colleague’s time. Try not to carry cell phone to restrooms.

  • Greet the other party well. Start your conversation with a warm “Hello”. The way you talk matters a lot in verbal communication. The other party can’t see you; it’s your tone which makes the difference.

  • Speak clearly. Never chew anything while speaking over the phone. It is important to concentrate while attending an important official call.

  • Be clear about what you intend to communicate. It is advisable to keep related documents handy. Don’t make the other person wait. Always keep a notepad and pen with you to jot down important points.

  • Make sure your mobile calls do not hamper your productivity. Don’t go for long personal calls at workplace. Be crisp and precise.

  • It is bad manners to pick calls when someone is sitting with you unless and until it is an emergency.

  • Extension fixed phones are meant to be used by everyone at the workplace. Don’t treat it as your personal property.

  • Avoid calling any of your clients or colleagues before 8 in the morning and after 8 in the evening. The other person might be busy with his family or friends and definitely would not pay attention to your conversation.

  • Switch off your mobiles while attending important meetings, presentations or seminars. In case of an emergency, move out of the place to attend the call.

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