Make Money Online - Create Your Site/Blog in 5 Minutes!

Making Money Online With Your Website/Blog

If you have ever browsed the internet for extended periods, then you would have probably come across websites and ads for websites advertising ways and means to make money online. Indeed, it is hard to miss the ubiquitous and ever present “banner ads” which scream for your attention and promise to double your income within no time.

There are lot of legitimate and genuine money making schemes on the internet. For instance trading in stocks, Forex, bonds, and commodities is one avenue to make money online.

In addition, there are other schemes such as:

  • ad posting,
  • comment posting,
  • product reviews,
  • product descriptions,
  • sending out mass mailers, and the like which are again schemes that can lead to good income streams

How to Create a Website/Blog

Making a website/Blog may seem a hectic and costly task but it will not stay as is for you after reading this article completely. The beautiful websites or blogs can be made easily with the easy-to-use software tools.

Steps to Build a Perfect Dynamic Website/Blog

To create a website, there are few steps which you have to follow. Completion of these steps will give you the complete website, ready to showcase your business or any purpose you want.

Here are the steps to do it. Follow along to make the website easily!

Step 1: Choose a Domain Name

The domain name is the digital identity of your website. So, it is very important to brand your site with the right and elegant name.

Step 2: Signing up with a Web Host

The hosting space is necessary for putting the files of your website online. Selecting the efficient host with best support services and speed is necessary to make your website user-centric and ultimately the best.

Step 3: Setting up WordPress and Launching the Website/Blog

Once you have the online hosting space, the only requirement is to setup the website. I am recommending WordPress here. The causes are many. You can expect the easy customization, good SEO ranking and powerful yet excellent modern design from your WordPress site.

These steps are necessary to make any website and keep it online. As you know it theoretically, let us dive in deep to learn how to make a website now.

Which Host is Perfect for Your Needs: Benefits of Using Bluehost

Using a self-hosted WordPress website is always beneficial. It is good for security reasons as well as for the monetization.

If you want to earn through the website, you cannot do so without the self-hosted account. Choosing the web hosting service provider is a bit tricky.

In our opinion, the BlueHost is the excellent choice to go with.

WordPress itself promotes to use BlueHost as the preferred hosting service. You will get the free domain name for the lifetime, 24/7 US based hosting service. It is allowed to host up to 100 websites from a single account. The prices of their services are affordable and reasonable.

It is easy to get started with the BlueHost to build the best WordPress website. Let us see how.

Installing WordPress with BlueHost: from beginning to end

Step 1: Login to your Bluehost account and click on the link to Cpanel.

Step 2: Find the Websites section in the dashboard and click. You will see the Install WordPress option there. Click on it to proceed.

Step 3: Select to Install and proceed when the shown window is opened up.

Step 4: Finally, select the domain where you want to set up your WordPress blog.

The Wordpress is installed and running on your domain now. You only need to install the desired theme and fill your content to complete it. So, next step is installing and activating the theme.

Install themes in the WordPress

Step 1: Go to the WordPress admin panel of your website by adding “/wp-admin” to the URL of your website.Log in to reach the dashboard. After logging in, you will see the Themes sub-option under Appearance option, which is present in the sidebar of the site dashboard.

Step 2: Get the theme which you want to install on your website. For this, you can either use the zipped file or search themes online from the free/premium collections available. You can also select the default themes like twenty fifteen, which comes with WordPress as sample data.

Step 3: Once downloaded, click on the activate button and your theme is ready.

Points to Ponder once you are done

There are a few things which are still left. Do not forget the points as under-

  • Use proper keywords and SEO optimized content with your website.
  • Change the permalink settings (under option “settings”) to “post name” for making the links SEO friendly.
  • Change the time zone according to your area.
  • Add essential plugins which are required to run your website efficiently.
  • Do not forget to add contact form plugin, security and backup plugins for better management and site safety.

We hope this post helped in creating your dream website. Would love to hear your feedbacks!