Job Analysis and Total Quality Management (TQM)
TQM is a management approach that concentrates on teamwork, integrity, continuous improvement and continuous assessment jobs and their worth. On the other hand, job analysis deals in investigating each job separately and collecting the job-related information. Usually, the process is conducted in an organization once in a while especially when HR department has to source candidates for a particular job.
TQM is a new approach and is almost inconsistent with traditional management approaches and processes. Job Analysis is no exception.
Points of Inconsistency between Job Analysis and TQM
The concept of Total Quality Management stresses on continuous improvement of management processes as well as employees.
For example, if employee joins an organization at a certain level, according to TQM, he or she should not confine themselves to their basic jobs only. Instead they should consider other options and try to learn more and more in order to explore other areas of operations. Whereas, job analysis process is conducted to determine what an employee is supposed to do and how specific duties and activities need to be performed.
Total Quality Management approach focuses on an all-round development of employees and expects them to do everything while on job in order to attain higher levels of quality. It also concentrates on their continuous improvement personally as well as professionally.
While job analysis defines specific duties and responsibilities of an employee and each one of them is supposed to do only what is assigned to them. The concept is just opposite to TQM approach.
The job description and job specification talk about employees job title, job summary, job duties, job responsibilities, educational qualifications and working conditions. While it does not discuss about maintaining quality in operations, treating waste and scraps properly and quality of services delivered. It simply gives brief details about what an employee needs to do and how. Though it deals in assessing a job but has nothing to do with improving quality in operations.
TQM does not confine employees only to a particular job. The concept leaves scope for additional duties along with the basic job duties. Whereas, it is not true in case of job analysis.
It simply measures the worth of a job and determines the duties involved in it. Employees are not encouraged to explore other areas of operations. Instead they are supposed to perform only the assigned job.
Relevance of Job Analysis
Job Analysis is not consistent with TQM. They do not go hand in hand as they focus on entirely different theories and operate on different models. But it does not mean that job analysis has lost its relevance in todays world.
It has its own importance and is still required to be carried out as this gives basic information related to specific jobs and helps managers in decision making process.
It assists in various other management processes including recruitment and selection, job evaluation, performance evaluation and appraisal and training and development need analysis. It also regulates the entry of talent in an organization and helps in sourcing and attracting a pool of talent to work with the organization.
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