Articles on Corporate Social Responsibility

The concept of Corporate Social Responsibility as a paradigm for firms and businesses to follow has evolved from its early days as a slogan that was considered trendy by some firms following it to the present day realities of the 21st century where it is no longer just fashionable but a business requirement.

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Corporate social responsibility (CSR) allows organizations to do their bit for the society, environment and customers. Lets discuss the importance of corporate social responsibility in detail.

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An organization is nothing without its employees. Employees are said to be the true assets of an organization. Lets discuss in detail about the social responsibilities of an organization towards its employees.

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It is rightly said that customer is the king. The article discusses some of the social responsibilities of an organization towards its customers.

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The model proposed by Young and Tilley (2006) where they list six criteria for corporate sustainability that not only contributes to the social responsibilities of the business but also improves the business efficiency.

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Nowadays CSR or Corporate Social Responsibility has become the latest buzzword among the companies. There is an ongoing debate over whether a firm should exist solely for making profits or whether it should pay heed to Corporate Social Responsibility or CSR.

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This article discusses in detail the marketing concept from societal view point. It talks about the need and importance of humanistic maketing/socieal marketing/ecological marketing in today’s age of environmental degradation,increasing population and resource scarcity.

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Green Washing refers to the practice of the corporate spin employed by a company in declaring itself to promoting environmentally friendly policies whereas in reality, the company does not live up to the rhetoric.

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The policies and programs that have been launched by many organizations routinely include their commitment towards Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and their affirmation of the need to be socially responsible.

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Media plays a very important role in how Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is broadcast to the world at large. In this article, we look at the role of the media in championing CSR.

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In this article, we look at how Advocacy Groups and Pressure Groups have a prominent role in advocating corporations to follow socially conscious policies and programs.

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The article looks at the positive aspect of how companies have managed their Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) strategies well and are reaping the benefits of doing so.

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The article discusses the case of the disaster in the Union Carbide Plant in Bhopal, India as an instance of how the disaster itself and its aftermath are being handled as a case of misapplication of the concept of Social Responsibility.

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In this article, we look at how companies first need to shore up their internal governance mechanisms before turning to the outside world to display their social concern.

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Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is no longer an extra business practice but a necessity. The Corporate approach towards CSR must change with the changing times.

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Organizations that practice good corporate governance are also those that are socially and environmentally responsible. We can say that CSR and corporate governance are two sides of the same coin.

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This article discusses what the term tax havens means and how they are used and misused by multinationals. The key theme in this article is that multinationals must pay taxes like everybody else and the loopholes and the lacunae in the laws must not be misused.

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This article discusses how CSR or Corporate Social Responsibility initiatives in primary and secondary education provide for benefits to all stakeholders. The key theme in this article is that these CSR initiatives are a win-win situation for the corporates as well as the workforce of the future.

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This article discusses the current unsustainable path that our civilization is in and alerts the readers to the dangers ahead for the world. the key them in this article is that unless we change direction from the way we are headed with our crises, we are likely to end up in an abyss from which there is no point of return.

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This article discusses what the UN Global Compact means and what the signatories to the compact have to do. The key theme in this article is that pursuing CSR has been made mandatory by many countries taking a cue from the UN Global Compact and hence, both national and international initiatives play a part in actualizing CSR.

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This article discusses the United Nations Millennium Development Goals that have been agreed upon by the member countries of the UN in 2000 and their implications for corporates. The key theme in this article is that the MDGs represent a small step for the underprivileged of the world and the merging of commerce and social responsibility is a key driving force for corporates.

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This article discusses the phenomenon of sweatshops in the developing countries that are a result of the intense price competition in the global marketplace. The fact that the working conditions of the workers who make these cheap products are often brutal is the key aspect that is highlighted.

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This article argues in favor of sweatshops. It explains how sweatshops are the source if livelihood for many people in the third world countries. It also explains how raising wages will have detrimental effects on these sweatshops.

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This article discusses how global corporations in the places where they locate their facilities can foster inclusive development. This aspect of inclusive development is very important as in recent years; the resistance to the activities of the global corporations has peaked in many developing countries. The key theme in this article is that the indigenous people must be made partners in progress instead of being victimized by the developmental process.

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This article discusses the transition that is currently underway from an era of abundance to an era of scarcity. The key theme in this article is that business leaders and managers have to ensure that efficiency, innovation, and productivity should be the goals that they must strive if we are to transition to a sustainable paradigm.

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This article discusses how marketers can profit from targeting the bottom segment of the consumer pyramid or in other words, find a fortune at the bottom of the pyramid. Apart from the giant multinationals that have discovered the potential for profit, the article also cites the successes of social entrepreneurship from a social responsibility perspective.

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This article compares and contrasts the perspectives on stockholder management and stakeholder management. The key theme in this article is that we cannot go on pretending that the external costs do not matter and continue in our business as usual paradigm. We are witnessing the adverse impacts of such thinking and hence, we must change direction before it is too late. Towards this end, you as future managers or working managers have a duty towards society and a role to play.

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This article examines the two sides of the debate over whether the new trend of the mega rich giving away their fortunes to charity is a welcome and noble development of whether it is business as usual. Further, the article has the central theme of how the business of saving the world should not become a business in the strict sense of the word and that charity often begins at home.

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While marketing is done to make profits, social and environmental concerns are usually external to marketers. However, given the numerous social and environmental problems in the contemporary world, marketing can no longer be business as usual or solely to make profits, and instead, marketers must incorporate social consciousness and environmental responsibility in their activities and embed these concerns into the very DNA of marketing. These are some of the key themes that are discussed in this article.

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CSR at best was a catchy slogan that corporates always paid lip service to. When coupled with the present emphasis on rolling back CSR obligations that are being aided and abetted by the governments, we find that the present age is indeed one of reckless profit making with no thought to CSR. Some well-meaning business leaders have taken the lead and hence, this article argues that a collective effort is needed by all stakeholders to restore the balance between profit-making and CSR.

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There has been much debate over the violations of CSR norms in offshore facilities in China and India. While the renewed focus on sweatshops and exploitation of Asian workers has resulted in an outcry against globalization, the fact that the original aims of globalization which were to “lift all boats” means that with some effort and sacrifice, CSR can be actualized in global supply chains. This calls for making sure that everyone complies with uniform CSR norms everywhere instead of saying, we do things differently there and here.

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We live in an Age of Unprecedented Negativity. Given this aspect, corporates have a role in bettering society through CSR and other initiatives. Further, while the corporates are limited and constrained by the need to make profits, they can find a balance between profits and social and environmental responsibility. Apart from this, many corporates are funding and promoting social entrepreneurs, and this is where there is scope for real action to make a difference to society.

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We are all aware of how CSR or Corporate Social Responsibility is practiced in the physical world. However, CSR applies equally well to the digital and online worlds as well. This article examines some CSR best practices of Big Tech firms including their successes and failures in keeping the internet neutral, collecting, and using data responsibly, and in bridging the digital divide. The key theme of this article is that the emerging Fourth Industrial Revolution needs a CSR model for the Digital Era.

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Corporate Social Responsibility is usually associated with Manufacturing and Industrial firms. However, even Big Tech firms do have to follow some social norms and ethical codes especially when they deal with confidential user data that can include financial and sensitive personal information. This article examines these themes from multiple perspectives and argues that it is time for Big Tech firms to follow CSR principles as applicable to the virtual world.

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This article examines the argument that it is profitable for businesses to follow clean and green and sustainable business practices. Using real world examples of innovations and cost reductions from them as well as improvements in energy production, we make the case for CSR or Corporate Social Responsibility. Another key argument or theme is that we have breached the Point of No Return on Climate Action and hence, sustainability might be our only route to avoid extinction.

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CSR or Corporate Social Responsibility in the best of times is a sideshow that is employed to satisfy the regulatory requirements and the conscience of the businesses. In the present turbulent times, CSR should continue to be a priority despite the race for survival that is the hallmark of our times. Thus, this article argues that while business survival is indeed important, planetary survival too is paramount. Moreover, business leaders have a moral and ethical responsibility to stand up for what’s right. These are some of the themes that would be explored here using real world examples.

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Does Billionaire Philanthropy work? If yes, how does it work and if no, how can it be made to work better? This article examines these questions using real world examples and starting with some recent Mega Initiatives that have sparked a lively debate on this topic. We argue that Billionaire Philanthropy does work and despite the criticisms, it is an effective means of driving change. Moreover, the Foundations of the Rich have the scale and the Synergy to reap efficiencies. Last, we also make the case for more power to those driving change in both macro and micro terms.

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This article explains what Compulsory CSR Commitments are and how corporates can ensure that such commitments are more fruitful and engaging to all stakeholders. We also caution against Green Washing and argue that mandatory visits to villages and engagement with communities by the employees should not become occasions for media attention rather than serious engagement. On the other hand, we also suggest ways and means of making such polices more effective.

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While the responsibility of business is business, there is also a need for corporates and business leaders to act according to their conscience and to speak up and take a stand in these troubled times. On the other hand, those who do speak up face the ire of the powers that be. So, there are no easy answers to the question of what the responsibility of business is towards society. We examine these themes in this article and argue that there needs to be more engagement between businesses and the marginalised.

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We examine the role of business leaders and corporations as well as how corporate social responsibility can help us navigate the Coronavirus Crisis. Using examples from economic theories as well as from the real world of businesses and business leaders, we urge them to put people before profits and principles before pecuniary benefits. In addition, we put forward the case for coordination and cooperation instead of competition /confrontation.

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This article argues that Corporates and Big Businesses must change their approach to society as the Covid Crisis has made us realise the shortcomings of the economic systems we have. We list the reasons why this is not only necessary but critical and urge all stakeholders to Not Let the Crisis Go Waste and instead, seize the opportunity for change. We explain how such CSR changes can be actualized in practice.

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This article examines what green supply chains are and explains why climate change has made it imperative for businesses to green their supply chains. We first define the terms and then discuss how businesses can green their supply chains before presenting the business case and the profit gains by embracing the Green Agenda. However, we also caution against Green Washing and Window Dressing and finally, argue that there is No Alternative but to go green.

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