Articles on Integrated Marketing Communications

Integrated Marketing Communication (IMC) refers to integrating all the methods of brand promotion. Lets discuss the various components of integrated marketing communication in detail.

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The article discusses the various steps on how to create an integrated marketing communication plan and the components of the plan.

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Integrated Marketing Communication Plan integrates various methods of marketing - advertising, public relation, social media advertising, etc. Implementation of Integrated Marketing Communication Plan depends on clear understanding of target customers.

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Lets discuss in detail the several components of a successful integrated marketing strategy, which are - customer focus, co-operation, database communication, leverage and profitability.

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Integrated Marketing Communication plays a very important role in communicating the brand message to potential and existing customers. Lets discuss the importance of integrated marketing communications in detail.

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The article discusses about the various integrated marketing communication tools, like - advertising, sales promotion, direct marketing, personal selling, etc.

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Integrated marketing communication promotes the products/services in a manner where various modes of marketing are integrated together. Lets discuss the various steps to effectively manage integrated marketing communication.

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